When Does Teeth Whitening Work? A Comprehensive Guide

Teeth whitening is a popular way to improve the appearance of your smile. But when does it work? The answer is that it depends on the type of whitening treatment you choose and the condition of your teeth. Generally, the full effects of teeth whitening can be seen after the first 24 hours. However, if you use at-home whitening kits, it may take longer to see results due to the lower concentration of bleaching agents.

Teeth whitening works best for people with yellow teeth and is less effective for those with brown teeth. Unfortunately, if your teeth are gray or purple, teeth whitening probably won't work at all. In-office teeth whitening is usually completed in an hour or two. It is important for the patient to understand the process and why professional whitening is much more effective than home remedies. DIY whitening kits contain hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide as the active ingredient, but they are not as effective as professional whitening products.

The effectiveness of teeth whitening also depends on genetics, hygiene and previous dental work. Whitening won't work on crowns or veneers. There are some possible short-term side effects, such as tooth sensitivity, and the long-term effects are yet to be determined. But in general, dentists say it works as long as you don't get carried away. Teeth whitening strips usually take two to three weeks to work and people will need to apply them for more than two hours a day. Whitening toothpaste can take two to six weeks for results to show, while a whitening gel or tray is likely to show results within the first two weeks of treatment.

Teeth whitening can make teeth temporarily sensitive or uncomfortable for people who already have sensitive teeth. Keeping your teeth clean and flossed will not only help prevent cavities and gingivitis, but it will also help keep your teeth whiter. Home treatments, such as whitening toothpaste, rinses, and pens, don't last long, but they can help prolong the benefits of other, more effective whitening treatments. Whitening pens are small plastic tubes containing bleaching gel that are transportable and are used to remove stains. Not only can this make teeth more sensitive, but it can also expose more dentin, which, ironically, could make teeth appear more yellow. This ensures that the whitening substance is applied to all areas of the teeth for equal whitening, without affecting the gums.

However, the higher the percentage of peroxide in the whitening solution, the shorter it should be applied to the teeth. For that reason, both doctors and dentists recommend that you wait until you have finished breastfeeding to perform any type of teeth whitening. In fact, trying to use teeth whitening products when you have existing dental work on your front teeth can actually make them look worse. It's best to choose a teeth whitening solution in the dentist's office that can produce effective smile beautifying results in a single visit. They don't change the actual color of the underlying tooth, but by removing dark particles on the outside, whitening toothpastes can give the appearance of whiter teeth. Teeth whitening has been a cultural compulsion that dates back to the Egyptians who mixed wine vinegar with crushed pumice to polish their smiles. Home gel trays that your dentist customizes to fit your mouth and in-office whitening provide the most long-lasting whitening.

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