Why Teeth Whitening Doesn't Always Work

Traditional whitening treatments are not effective on porcelain or most cosmetic adhesive materials. If you have porcelain veneers, dentures, crowns, or dental implants, or if you have undergone a cosmetic bond or have composite fillings, those teeth will not respond to any whitening procedure. The most common reason why your whitening procedure may not be successful is because you opted for home treatment instead of professional work. If your teeth are gray or have internal stains, whitening may not be an option. People who were given the antibiotic tetracycline or too much fluoride as children may have gray spots that are impossible to remove with teeth whitening.

People who have undergone root canal therapy may also have gray teeth. Your dentist may also suggest other dental procedures, such as dental joints or porcelain veneers. When teeth whitening does not work on stains or discoloration, an advanced aesthetic dentist can improve them with microabrasion, dental bonding, or porcelain veneers. Some products may contain small amounts of bleach, but they are still advertised as a teeth whitening product. On the Ringers blog, you will learn that teeth whitening is completely safe, but it should be done correctly; however, not all patients are successful with teeth whitening.

My dentist even tried to whiten the stains, but now they look darker and my other teeth are super white. If you have had disappointments before, make sure you get the results you want by choosing professional teeth whitening. If teeth whitening does not work for you, it may be due to the product you are using, the type of dental stains or discoloration, or the strength of the whitening gel. You may have tried an over-the-counter whitening product or even had ineffective professional teeth whitening treatments, but you still noticed areas of discoloration in your smile. The second most common reason why a teeth whitening procedure fails is because you misdiagnosed the cause of the appearance of your smile.

Even someone with the best dental hygiene can struggle with the color of their teeth, and no over-the-counter teeth whitening kit can correct the problem. Teeth whiteners often have unrealistic expectations about how quickly treatment will work. When the teeth whitening products you buy in the store fail to deliver the smile you were looking for, you still have options available to you. You may also need to schedule other dental work before being ready for teeth whitening treatments. And if you have gum disease, teeth whitening treatments will be uncomfortable and possibly ineffective. To whiten and reshape your smile, thin porcelain sheaves are placed over the visible tops of your teeth.

Professional whitening occurs in a controlled environment where teeth have been scraped to remove plaque and tartar, allowing the whitener to remove the external appearance of stains.

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